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About me

I began translating English texts into German as a biology student, taking advantage of the English proficiency I had gained previously during a half-year stay at an American high school. My command of English proved to be beneficial all through my years at  university. English is the language of the life sciences, especially of modern fields like molecular biology, with most of today's important works being published in this language.

Early on, during my graduate studies (Diplomarbeit) at the Department of Dermatology research laboratories of Cologne University Hospital, I came into contact with medical topics, terminology and approaches. Following my PhD dissertation (Promotion) at the Institute of Biochemistry, Cologne University, I returned to the University Hospital as a postdoctoral scientist at the Institute of Physiology.
Working with English and German texts, be it writing papers and grant applications, supervising students during their theses, or doing literature research, remains for me one of the most gratifying aspects of my successful scientific career (see list of  publications). I therefore started working as a scientific translator in 2005, and became a full-time freelancer in 2007.




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